A single dream can change the entire course of a life.
From dream endorsements to stories about clients whose lives changed dramatically after attending to a single dream to insights into how to derive the most benefit fom your own dreams, I’m delighted to share Productive Slumber's news and tips. Check out the archive and some of the most recent pieces, and subscribe to my updates to be the first to find out whenever a new piece is published.

Dream Endorsements
July 14, 2014
A few client and student dreams that they felt directly related to and reflected upon their Productive Slumber experience:
Last night I dreamed Lael was a senior manager in a small think tank--I don't remember what the subject matter was, except that it was something about consciousness or society in some deep sense. An odd thing is that it had dirt floors, and in fact Lael's "office" was on a hillside and it was a little tricky to get down the path to her desk.
I was there as a contractor or new hire, to write articles of some sort.
The most interesting thing is that Lael gave me a mind-expanding contact lens. When I put it into my eye, at first I couldn't see anything out of that eye, but my sense of hearing became very acute. Then my vision came back and I found myself very present and seeing people around me more deeply than before. Everyone was fascinating.
--Thea Kelley's dream, June 2014
I dreamed that just as I was making a beautiful Thank You card for Lael, I came across plans for a small cathedral.
--Roya Arasteh's dream, January 2013
If you've had a dream about Productive Slumber, by all means, send it! We dream for one another all the time, and I so appreciate the help and encouragement these clients' dreams provide.

Dreaming Themselves Free: Productive Slumber's Captive Audience
January 4, 2014
Productive Slumber has brought information on dreaming into juvenile detention facilities in California's Contra Costa and Alameda Counties. Dream instruction helps incarcerated young people recognize their capacity for the sort of inner awareness that transforms outer circumstances. After learning about the crucial and persistent role of dreaming in Harriet Tubman's wildly successful mission to liberate herself and many others from slavery, prisoners ages twelve to seventeen answer questions designed to help them tap into the loving guidance available to them in their own dreams. Another historical example, a dream that saved the life of the young man who later became the Roman emperor Caesar Augustus, leads to reflection on their own experiences with violence and on the life-preserving and life-changing potentialities of intuition and imagination. Productive Slumber encourages all children, teens and adults, wherever they find themselves, to value and cultivate their connection to their own knowing--an inviolable and inalienable connection that no number of locks or metal bars can disrupt.

Moose Love: How Gentle, Unassuming Dreams Can Heal (And Make You Money!)
April 6, 2017
Photo by Monica Glickman
A moose has come out of
the impenetrable wood
and stands there, looms, rather,
in the middle of the road…
…Towering, antlerless,
high as a church,
homely as a house
(or, safe as houses)…
…the moose can be seen
on the moonlit macadam;
— from “The Moose” by Elizabeth Bishop
When it comes to our greatest stuckness — be it in the area of health, creativity, relationships, finances or something else — our dreams provide a way through by means of images that are original and unexpected enough to circumvent our resistance. By allowing us to encounter difficult or frustrating parts of ourselves in new form, they can also elicit a healing gentleness to replace corrosive impatience. When we choose to avail ourselves of their deep medicine, everything begins to change.
Here’s an example from my own experience: I’ve never had a waking encounter like the one described above by poet Elizabeth Bishop. However, a moose did make my acquaintance in a dream: As I walked forward along a path, my every footfall displaced small, dark animals. Out of concern for their well-being, a moose planted himself before me blocking my way. I was touched by this display of interspecies solicitude and understood that sympathy for the little critters motivated the moose to halt my progress.
This quiet, unassuming moment in a much larger dream might not seem the stuff of long-awaited, much-yearned-for transformation, but, indeed, it was. Nothing immediately alerted me to the potential benefit I might reap from this dream until, upon sharing it with a friend, I realized it echoed my own recent experience of stasis in my business. The dream gave moose-form to the part of myself that wanted to preserve shadow — undersized, less functional — aspects of myself that my own progress would banish.
We cannot move forward without saying goodbye to where we have been.As much as one part of ourselves may wish to eliminate outworn behaviors and thoughts, another part (represented in my dream by the moose) seeks lovingly to preserve the status quo. Once I better grasped the simple dynamic this dream presented, I was able to return back inside its dreamscape via my imagination, where, rather than forcing the moose out of my way, I patted its side and leaned my head lovingly upon its shoulder. (Only affection and kindness seemed a proper or healing response to my four-legged road block.)
Eventually, the moose and I established enough rapport for him to carry me on his back. What had barred my way, now easily and rapidly transported me. The waking “real world” outcome of this simple practice? My income more than doubled within less than a week! (I know that sounds nuts, but I just double checked and it’s true!)
If you are experiencing frustration or any sort of mystifying resistance to your own well-being, I encourage you to attend to, share and work and play with the dreams that are sent to you with love every single night. You may find yourself with some new, wild, unusual, unexpected and extremely helpful friends
Photo by Monica Glickman

Dream Endorsements
July 14, 2014
A few client and student dreams that they felt directly related to and reflected upon their Productive Slumber experience:
Last night I dreamed Lael was a senior manager in a small think tank--I don't remember what the subject matter was, except that it was something about consciousness or society in some deep sense. An odd thing is that it had dirt floors, and in fact Lael's "office" was on a hillside and it was a little tricky to get down the path to her desk.
I was there as a contractor or new hire, to write articles of some sort.
The most interesting thing is that Lael gave me a mind-expanding contact lens. When I put it into my eye, at first I couldn't see anything out of that eye, but my sense of hearing became very acute. Then my vision came back and I found myself very present and seeing people around me more deeply than before. Everyone was fascinating.
--Thea Kelley's dream, June 2014
I dreamed that just as I was making a beautiful Thank You card for Lael, I came across plans for a small cathedral.
--Roya Arasteh's dream, January 2013
If you've had a dream about Productive Slumber, by all means, send it! We dream for one another all the time, and I so appreciate the help and encouragement these clients' dreams provide.
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